How to read a certificate of analysis for CBD products?

How to read a certificate of analysis for CBD products?

Most cannabidiol products come with a certificate of analysis. The consumer should be familiar with its meaning. If you're still a novice and have trouble reading a CBD product's certificate of analysis, this guide will help you. Thanks to it, this little document will no longer be incomprehensible to you, and you'll be able to order our CBD wholesale with peace of mind.

How to read the information on a certificate of analysis

You've bought a CBD product and it comes with a certificate of analysis? Good news! This means that the CBD product has been laboratory-tested and its quality assured. This document is of the utmost importance, as it gives you the opportunity to find out all the details about the product.


A lot of information is recorded on a certificate of analysis. At the top of the document, you can generally locate information on cannabinoids: the different types of cannabinoids contained in the product, notably THC and CBD, their respective levels, as well as the acids present in the product's composition.

Terpene profile

The terpene profile is another reference visible on the certificate of analysis. It expresses the terpene content of the sample in milligrams. These components generally come in different forms: limonene, alpha-bisabolol or terpinolene, for example. Only one isolate-spectrum CBD product contains no terpenes. This version is exceptionally composed of cannabidiol.

Chemical products

Under no circumstances should CBD contain chemicals such as solvents or pesticides. Nevertheless, it is necessary to consult this detail in the certificate of analysis. Given that hemp is a bio-accumulative plant, it may retain traces of chemicals.

Toxicity of a product or not

Like the chemical elements, cannabidiol products must not contain toxic substances. Laboratory analysis and certification confirm the absence of these elements. A reference is written on the document, certifying that even the slightest trace of toxicity is absent.

Organoleptic properties      

Organoleptic properties are certainly the last detail to appear on a certificate of analysis. More precisely, they express the relationship between the consumer's sensory reaction and the CBD product's natural effect. Although this is a rather subjective reference, it should not be overlooked.

Why always consult a CBD certificate of analysis?

For both buyer and seller, the CBD certificate of analysis is of paramount importance.

For sellers and retailers, this document is mandatory, as it certifies the quality and purity of the products for sale. A sample must be sent to an independent laboratory for full testing. In the event of non-compliance with current regulations, such as high THC levels or traces of toxicity, the laboratory will inform the seller of the quality of the product. No certificate will be issued if the CBD does not comply with standards.

For buyers, it is highly recommended to consult the certificate of analysis, as this document is a guarantee of CBD quality. A product supplied with its certificate is a product of excellent quality, complying with current standards and presenting a healthy composition that is safe for consumers' health.

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