How can you advise your customers in their selection of quality CBD oil?

How can you advise your customers in their selection of quality CBD oil?

Among the various forms of CBD, CBD oil is surely the most widely consumed version. Although CBD oil is readily available over the counter these days, it's important to steer customers towards the best-quality oils. The only way to find these versions is to respect the selection criteria. What are they? Our advisors will tell you in the following lines. 

Criteria for selecting the best CBD oil 

The virtues of CBD oil are certainly recognized, but to take full advantage of them, you need to advise your customers to select the best. How can you do this? Our professionals recommend 5 main selection criteria. They focus, among other things, on the plant, the oil's design and the consumer's needs. Discover our wholesale CBD oils.

Information on the origin and cultivation of hemp 

The first thing to recommend to customers is to consult information on the origin and cultivation of hemp. It would be difficult to recognize the quality of the CBD to be consumed without knowing the true sources.  

Quality CBD oil generally comes from a hemp plant grown in France or Europe. So you can be sure that the hemp comes from soil rich in nutrients and totally free of pollutants. 

As far as cultivation is concerned, you should advise your customers to buy only CBD oil from organic cultivation. This ensures a healthy product that poses no health risk. 

The differences between the spectra of CBD extracts 

When a customer wants to buy a CBD oil, it's essential to advise them to check the spectra and their particularity in order to be able to spot the good quality. 

In fact, the spectrum is derived from the extraction of natural substances present in hemp. After this process, CBD oil is presented in three different spectrums: isolate, broad spectrum and full spectrum. 

Each of these spectrums has its own advantages and disadvantages, but what's certain is that isolate-spectrum CBD oil is the most refined and purest of the three. This version consists exclusively of CBD, with no trace of other cannabinoids. 

CBD dosages and concentrations 

The dosage and concentration of cannabidiol are other criteria to advise customers when purchasing CBD oil. 2.5%, 5%, 10%, 20% and sometimes up to 30%, these references play a huge role in the oil's action and effect when consumed. 

It should be noted that dosage and concentration are generally personal. The choice will depend on individual needs and the symptoms to be treated. 

A light dose of 1 to 2 drops with a concentration of less than 5% is recommended for beginners. As consumers become more familiar with the product, they can increase the dosage, up to a maximum of 3 drops a day, with a concentration exceeding 10%. 

Reading certificates of analysis 

Certificates of analysis should never be overlooked when purchasing CBD oil. In fact, it's the most important criterion guaranteeing product quality. Without this certificate, the buyer should not proceed with the purchase.  

In other words, the certificate is undoubtedly the complete identity of the oil. Only the laboratory that analyzed the sample can provide it.   

When it is handed over to the manufacturer, it means that the product complies with current regulations, is free from toxic and chemical elements, and is completely safe and insured. 

CBD oils to suit your needs 

Why do you want to consume CBD oil? What's your goal? You should always ask yourself questions before buying and consuming CBD oil.  

The choice of this product will essentially depend on the consumer's needs. So, before anything else, you need to recognize these needs and determine what you really want to achieve. 

In the majority of cases, CBD oil is consumed for various reasons: to relax, to fight an addiction, to target a pathology... 

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