CBD, CBG, CBN, HHC, what are the differences between these known cannabinoids?

CBD, CBG, CBN, HHC, what are the differences between these known cannabinoids?

Studies have shown that hemp consists of more than 500 active elements. Among them, there are the cannabinoids. In all and until now, research has been able to identify up to 113 different cannabinoids. Some are better known than others, and their properties are of particular interest to scientists.

What are cannabinoids?

In simple definition, cannabinoids are a set of chemical elements secreted by the hemp plant. When you consume them in different ways, through cannabinoid-based finished products for example, they then interact with the human body's endocannabinoid system and act directly on the brain.

If you've ever heard of cannabinoids, then you probably know one. The most popular is THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. Did you know that this type of cannabinoid was the first to be isolated? The process was started in 1964 by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam. The result obtained at that time led to the conclusion that THC is a psychoactive molecule. It acts quickly on the brain but with more powerful effects, qualified as psychotropic.

Fortunately, the other cannabinoids contained in the hemp plant are not all the same. They would rather have beneficial properties.

CBG (cannabigerol) and its particularities

CBG or cannabigerol is one of the cannabinoids found in hemp. According to research, it is found in very small quantities in the plant. It is considered the stem cell or precursor of other cannabinoids.

When the plant develops, CBG undergoes a transformation process called "biosynthesis". The CBG is then converted into other molecules thanks to enzymes present in the plant. Among the natural molecules obtained by biosynthesis, we can name the CBD and the THC.

You can rejoice because even if the studies focused on CBG are not yet very numerous, the first researches obtained are encouraging. This cannabinoid would be non-psychotropic and would not be classified as a narcotic like THC.

On the contrary, it would have interesting potentials, in particular its antibiotic, antibacterial, analgesic, relaxing, anticoagulant and anti-metastatic property. It would also help to cure insomnia and sleep problems. In other words, it would be an effective and natural sleeping pill.

The CBN (cannabinol) and its specificities

Cannabinol or CBN is another cannabinoid that is starting to become known. Contrary to CBD, THC and CBG which come directly from hemp, CBN is the result of a specific process. It is not naturally derived from hemp.

This origin differentiates it from the most known cannabinoids. In fact, it is the result of the decarboxylation of THC exposed to oxygen and heat, so it has a strong link with THC, which could suggest that it is also psychotropic.

However, research has confirmed the contrary, because despite this strong affinity, CBN is far from being high like THC. It would certainly act on the receptors of the brain but it would not generate any stone effect.

The products containing CBN would present virtuous actions. Among the recognized effects, we can cite its analgesic, soothing, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic capacities.

Is HHC considered a cannabinoid?

Is HHC still new to you? That's okay. In fact, HHC is just like all the most popular cannabinoids of the moment: THC, CBG, CBD.... 

Its particularity is that it was discovered long before other natural molecules. A certain chemist named Roger Adams was the first to have detected it for the first time. At the time, the cannabinoid was discovered through a specific process known as THC hydrogenation. This consists of adding hydrogen molecules to THC to obtain a synthetic version of HHC.

A few years later, researchers finally concluded that HHC is also naturally present in hemp. It is mainly found in pollen and hemp seeds.

The interaction between THC and HHC is well known. Nevertheless, these two molecules would present differences, in particular in their effects on the brain. In fact, HHC is less psychoactive than THC.

What are the alternatives to CBD?

If you are a CBD user and want to consume other cannabinoids, there are several alternatives available to you.

First, there is CBG which shares many characteristics with CBD. Products containing this natural molecule would be effective in reducing and treating several pathologies and symptoms.

After CBG, you can also replace CBD by CBN. This cannabinoid would also have interesting properties that would act on the brain and the body. It would improve the well-being and would bring more relaxation in everyday life.

Another option is HHC. It would have positive effects on the well-being of consumers but it would be preferable to taste it in very small quantities.

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