How is CBD extracted from hemp?

How is CBD extracted from hemp?

Hemp oil extraction is the process of obtaining CBD extract from hemp leaves. There are different methods that offer varying results. Indeed, the texture and hue of the resulting oil changes. Check out this guide to learn more about the various techniques.

The extraction of CBD from hemp: a meticulous work

The extraction process is the most sensitive step in obtainingCBD oil. Producers remove the CBD extract from the plant material. Although it is possible to buy CBD isolate, it is important to know that cannabinoids and terpenes should be consumed together because of their synergy.

Also, it is important to know that in order to obtain a high quality oil, it is also necessary to choose the right raw material in addition to opting for the right extraction method. It is important to ensure that the plants are grown without pesticides, GMOs or chemicals.

The extraction of CBD by solvents

This method of extraction of hemp oil is based on the use of chemical solvents such as ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, butane or propane. Preferred by small producers, it is easy and inexpensive. However, among all the extraction techniques, this process is the most risky. It is important to know that the use of these solvents increases the possibility of explosion.

Also, it is not possible to remove all traces of solvent at the end of the operation. Thus, they will still be present in your final product. As a result, the therapeutic effects of your hemp oil will be lost.

CBD oil extraction

The extraction of CBD from oil is a fast and very easy process. This artisanal method does not require the use of chemicals. That avoids any danger for the health of the user. It also has the merit to bring omega to the obtained oil.

However, we can list some drawbacks to this approach. First of all, the final product stands out because of its low CBD content. Secondly, it is a hot extraction that can cause an alteration of the cannabinoids. We will also note that the shelf life is particularly reduced. Thus, the extraction with oil is most often advised for a personal use.

CBD extraction with supercritical CO2

Supercritical CO2 extraction is the optimal method to obtain a CBD oil of superior quality. Its name comes from the fact that the CO2 is manipulated to reach a supercritical state. It is about using extreme temperatures (very hot or very low) for the separation of cannabinoids and CO2.

Thus, this technique is carried out within a controlled framework since all the phases are meticulously controlled. It requires the use of sophisticated equipment and great technology. It also requires in-depth knowledge, which is why it is favored by hemp professionals to create a high-end product. Currently, it is the most efficient method to obtain a pure oil without residues.

The hibernation process for CBD oils

In order to guarantee the cleanliness of their CBD production, some producers adopt additional measures. It is about the wintering. Now, this generally concerns CBD oil intended for use in vape. This allows to exclude the vegetable waxes that are harmful to the lungs. It is possible to apply the hibernation process to oils intended for sublingual consumption.

The process consists in making with the extract of CBD a washing with alcohol. The preparation obtained is placed in the freezer. This technique will allow to exclude the residual products. However, the hibernation is not unanimously adopted by the big companies producing CBD since the product obtained is less powerful.

What is the best method for extracting CBD?

For large-scale production, supercritical CO2 extraction is the preferred method. Also, avoid the use of chemicals that are harmful to your customers' health.

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