How to become a CBD producer?

How to become a CBD producer?

You will finally start producing CBD (Cannabidiol). How to become a hemp and CBD producer in France? This is the question that will be answered in this guide.

Can we produce hemp in France?

It is essential to take into consideration the legal aspect of the subject. In France, the sector is regulated by the law number 1164/89 of the European Community. The cultivation of hemp is allowed in France, but it must comply with strict rules.

We speak, in particular, of the content of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). It must be lower than 0,3 %. On the other hand, only certain varieties are authorized, like Futura, Santhica 23/27/70, Uso 31, or Felina 32/34 to quote only them. You will find the complete list here.

Can CBD be extracted from hemp in France?

This is another crucial question you need to ask yourself before you start producing CBD. In France, the cultivation of hemp is authorized, especially since several studies by the ANSM (Agence Nationale du Médicament) have highlighted their benefits.

The extraction of CBD is not prohibited, but it is subject to strict regulation, even if the texts remain unclear on certain points. In fact, French law prohibits any operation conducted on cannabis. One can thus deduce that the extraction of CBD is in its turn prohibited. Caution, therefore, in this regard.

Becoming a CBD producer in France: all you need to know

To be able to produce CBD in France, the first thing to do is to make sure that your culture respects the legal texts we talked about. In this optics, you must imperatively produce hemp with a rate of THC lower than 0,3 %.

Choose regulation seeds

It is also necessary that your production is in conformity with the article 2 of the decree of August 22, 1990, relating to the application of the article R. 5132-86 of the code of the public health for the cannabis. This one stipulates, for example, that your seeds must be provided by an approved organization, with the example of the Central Cooperative of the Producers of Seed of Hemp (CCPSC).

Avoid chemicals

On the other hand, you must avoid chemical products such as pesticides. Indeed, plants have a great capacity to clean up the soil. Therefore, they easily absorb chemicals that can harm your health.

Prefer natural CBD extraction

To extract the CBD, prefer the extraction by supercritical CO2. It is an expensive method, certainly, but it allows to collect the molecules according to their chemical nature, thus with a greater precision.

Find the right resellers

To showcase your products, you need to find a reliable reseller who appreciates the true value of what you are selling. Make sure that the dealer ensures the proper transportation of the goods to preserve their properties. He must be a true connoisseur. Remember, on the other hand, to keep track of all your transactions and exchanges.


Let us summarize: to become producer of CBD in France, it is essential to respect the regulation in force. Favour, in this same context, a natural culture without chemical products, while selecting approved seeds. Finally, you must work with serious retailers like Le Grossiste CBD who know the value of what you produce.

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